Trekking – Koromilia Refuge

Καταφύγιο Κορομηλιά - Ορεινή Πεζοπορία

You can go trekking throughout the year, depending on the weather and your equipment. You can trek the paths of the Olympus National Park alone or hire a Mountain Leader.

Specifically, there are a lot of interesting hiking paths around Koromilia where you will get the chance to enjoy the natural wonders in the forested areas of Olympus.

Recommended Paths:



Καταφύγιο Κορομηλιά - Ορεινή Πεζοπορία


  1. St Konstantinos chapel (alt.280m.)-Red Rock Waterfall-Koromilia Refuge (alt.1020m.). Duration: approximately 2.5 hours,  moderate difficulty.
  2. Koromilia Refuge (alt.1020m.)- Petrostougka Refuge- E4, international path. Duration:2.5 hours, moderate difficulty.
  3. Koromilia Refuge (alt.1020m.)- Dimitrios Mpountolas (Stavros, alt.944m.) Duration:3 hours, moderate difficulty.
  4. St Konstantinos chapel (alt.280m.)- Koromilia Refuge (alt.1020m.) via the ridge path. This is the ancient path which the Greeks used to go from the village Dion to the Muses Plateau in order to honor the Gods. Duration: approximately 2.5 hours,  moderate difficulty.


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